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Planning Board Agenda 01/14/2008
Town of Buxton Planning Board

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
All meetings held at the Buxton Municipal Building at
185 Portland Road, Buxton, Maine 04093

Public Hearing continued;   Ruel Sawyer who is proposing an amendment to Adams Acres by relocation of lot lines.  Located on Erma Lane; Tax Map 10, Lot 141-9 and 142B-1.

Public Hearing;  Navan Leng is continuing the application for the conditional use permit for the Wat Samaki Cambodian Buddhist Temple to be located at 128 Back Nippen Road; Tax Map 4, Lot 43.

1.      Call to Order

      Projects Pending

         Ridge Sub.

2.      Public Hearing;  for Ruel Sawyer

3.      Public Hearing;   for Wat Samaki Cambodian Buddhist Temple.

4.      Roxanne Eflin – discuss services from Southern Maine Regional Planning Commission.

5.      Discussion of site walk for Francoise Paradis has proposed a Co-housing Community plan, the Board categorized under Section 11.17.A Multi-Family Unit, located on Marshall Lane;  Tax Map 10, Lot 147.

6.      Discussion of site walk Allen & Lisa Cox of 7 Warren Road submitted an application for a conditional use permit for a kennel permit; Tax Map 1, Lot 197-2.

7.      School Administrative District #6, have submitted more information for the new Buxton Elementary School.  Located off Long Plains Road on Tax Map 3, Lot 88-2.

8.      John Pompeo of Pompeo Sand & Gravel has submitted an application for a wood waste processing facility at the 262 Webster Road gravel pit; Tax Map 7, Lot 23.

9.      CEO Report:

10.     Approval of Minutes:  
December 10, 2007

11.     Approval of Bills:  

12.     Communications:
Open peer review letters

13.     Other Business:
   Review of findings of fact for:
        Kellie Short
        Josh Jewett & Jennifer Granillo

14.     Adjourn time by 10 p.m.  -  Adjourn to a workshop to review peer review letters.

Next scheduled meeting January 28, 2007